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How to Sober Up From Weed

More and more individuals are turning to marijuana as the rules and restrictions change. Compared to narcotics like meth, crack, or heroin, the drug seems to be benign. Cannabis, on the other hand, has the potential to cause a wide range of negative effects and long-term implications.

In certain cases, you may want to go off of pot fast, but doing so in a safe manner might be difficult.

What are the typical results of getting high?

Cannabis intoxication has typically pleasant and positive side effects. But how much you consume and the potency of the cannabis will have an impact on the results. It's possible that even if you've been high before, you'll experience a new high this time around.

The most common signs and symptoms of cannabis intoxication include:

  • Feeling really happy
  • Feeling very relaxed and calm
  • Increased hunger
  • Changed perception of time by feeling that time is going very slowly or very quickly
  • Enhanced perceptions of sounds, colors, or touch

However, none of these hoped-for outcomes can be guaranteed. Using too much or too powerful cannabis, like many other drugs, may tilt the scales in the opposite direction, resulting in more negative consequences than positive ones. It's possible to have a poor experience with cannabis if you use too much of it.


weed intoxication

How long does THC stay in your system?

As a new user, you may wonder, "How long does it take to get high on marijuana?" and "How long does it take to go sober after smoking weed?" You should ask these questions. How you ingest the drug, its potency, and how your body processes THC all play a role in determining the replies.

The high you get from smoking pot lasts anywhere from one to three hours and begins practically instantly. It takes longer to become high if you ingest or snort cannabis. For up to two hours after consuming, you may not feel euphoric, but the high will stay for a long time.

If you're a frequent user, the effects of cannabis might last for weeks in your body.


How will I know if I’m too high?

It's possible to become too high if you ingest too much pot, or if the cannabis you're consuming is stronger than you're accustomed to. Toxic effects significantly exceed any positive effects that cannabis could have on your state of mind.

Being high may have a number of unpleasant side effects:

  • Anxiety, panic, and paranoia
  • Impaired judgment and coordination
  • Fear and distrust
  • Hallucinations where you see, hear, or feel things that are not really there
  • Delusions where you think things that are not true
  • Feeling like you are going crazy or do not recognize yourself

If you just consume marijuana, you may have these undesirable consequences. Other drugs like alcohol or painkillers may also have an influence on the effects of marijuana. When at all possible, stay away from combining potentially harmful drugs.


sober up from weed high


How to sober up from weed: 8 ways to get un-high 

The euphoric benefits of cannabis may be obtained via its consumption. However, in other cases, you may want to get the high out of the way as fast as possible.

You may safely sober up using these eight methods.

1. Watch your dose and potency

There are a number of methods you may use to prevent becoming too high, but the most important is to avoid taking too much cannabis in the first place. Begin by keeping track of how much and how potent your marijuana is. If you're unsure, take it easy at first.

Look for items with lower THC concentrations if you're buying them legally (10% or less). Wait 15 minutes between each hit or puff to best see the effects.

For food, the same holds true. Rather than rushing to consume more of these goods, be patient and wait for their effects to manifest before you do so. To get a feel for the effects, start with just a few milligrams of THC per serving, as recommended by the manufacturers of the items you want to use.


2. Give it time

It's unlikely that there's a quick fix for being sober, and forcing yourself to do so will simply lead to additional stress, worry, and frustration. The greatest strategy is to give it time instead of battling against yourself.

All highs come to an end at some point in time. The value of constantly reminding oneself that you won't be stuck in a terrible mood for eternity is immeasurable.

Within three hours of inhaling cannabis, you should be back to your usual self. Cannabis beverages and edibles have a peak impact of 2 to 3 hours, although you should anticipate to feel hazy from 6 to 10 hours after taking them.


3. Stay calm and use relaxation

Anxiety, paranoia, and panic are all common negative effects of cannabis usage and may be alleviated by cutting down on your intake. Even if you can't go off the high right once, you may lessen the impact of the drug's side effects by being calm and practicing relaxation methods.

There are many ways to relax, so choose a few that work for you and help you achieve the stress reduction you're after. To get the most benefit from relaxation techniques, it's important to practice them before you need them.


4. Find a distraction

As time passes, you'll feel better if your symptoms and negative effects of cannabis usage aren't the only things on your mind. Instead, you'll need to find something else to occupy your time.

There are an infinite number of distractions to choose from, so be open to new possibilities. Consider:

  • Enjoying music
  • Having a conversation with a close friend
  • watching a beloved film, television series, or documentary.
  • a leisurely stroll


5. Drink water, but avoid coffee and beer

If you want to feel more awake after a night of drinking, you could grab a cup of coffee. Drinking coffee or beer may help you get off of pot as well. However, while you're buzzed, you may want to avoid drinking coffee or alcohol altogether.

There's evidence that drinking alcohol raises your blood THC levels, which would only serve to heighten the high. Even caffeine may not help. Staying well-hydrated can help your body break down the marijuana you've consumed, so grab a bottle of water.


6. Avoid other substance use and folk remedies

Other drugs, like alcohol, may not be as helpful in helping you sober up as you'd hoped. Additives like cocaine or ADHD medication might make you feel more awake and alert, but you should avoid doing so if you're feeling tired and sluggish.

Self-induced delusions and hallucinations are possible with stimulants like cocaine and meth. The risk of paranoia may rise if they are used with cannabis.

To that end, stay away from any and all home cures that promise speedy sobriety. Cannabis intoxication symptoms can't be alleviated with home remedies like black peppercorns or lemon water.


7. Use a safety plan

Safety plans might help you if you often need to get up and go. Your sobriety safety plan may include:

  • The problems you experienced during the last unwanted high
  • What helped
  • What didn’t
  • What caused the problems in the first place

Keeping your cool in stressful or unexpected situations may be difficult, and these safety measures will help you do just that. Your pals will know exactly what to do in the event that you need to get out of the house quickly.


8. Seek out professional assistance

Medical attention is sometimes required for persons who have a frightening response to cannabis and need assistance becoming sober. Emergency department treatment is available if you or a loved one are experiencing significant agitation, panic, or strange behavior.

EMTs and doctors may be able to assist you vomit or provide activated charcoal if you've used edibles to get high. An anti-anxiety sedative may be given to you if you display indications of violence, disorientation, or severe anxiety.