Propylene glycol is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH₃CHCH₂OH.

It was first synthesized in the 60's specifically as an air born antibacterial. It has been pumped threw vents in hospitals, and used in asthma inhalers for the purpose of keeping bacteria from being able to spread as easily. Containing two alcohol groups, it is classed as a diols. It is considered to be one of the safest synthesized inhalants by the FDA.
It is a viscous, colorless liquid, which is nearly odorless but possesses a faintly sweet taste. With concentrations at or above 20%, both Ethylene and Propylene Glycol inhibit the growth and proliferation of most microbes.
You can find all this information in a study done by UCLA medical center.

Vegetable Glycerin also has a great study that was ordered by the actors on Broadway when they became worried about the vapor they were constantly inhaling during "smoke" effects on stage. That smoke consisted of entirely VG, and the study found no health effects.

Finally Nicotine
If you have ever studied any sort of chemistry, you will know that nicotine is an alcoloid very similar to caffeine. It is not a carcinogen, nor has it ever actually been proven to be the truly addictive aspect of a cigarette.
There are many other chemicals created in the combustion of a processed tobacco leaf that are substantially more addictive and likely where cigarettes get their true hook. In tests, nicotine by its self has only been found to be slightly addictive, again similar to caffeine's addictive nature.

Simply put, don't believe everything you hear. Just remember how deeply tobacco companies have their hands in the pockets of the politicians.
Vaporizers are virtually harmless. I am not saying they are as good for you as just air, but let's be honest with ourselves, the air that everybody breathes, sitting in traffic or anywhere in a populated area is not great. Personal Vaporizers are not making it any worse.
Back in the 1940s, a young scientist by the name of Dr. Theodore Puck loved to study history in his spare time. He was particularly fascinated by the stories of the Black Plague in fourteenth century London.
From a scientific perspective, Puck always wondered what caused the plague to stop spreading. History says that it was only after the townspeople burned the city to the ground that the devastating event was finally over, but Puck always wanted to discover the true, underlying cause.
His theory was that there must have been some sort of chemical reaction occurring in the ashen air of the burning city of London that somehow killed the airborne bacteria spreading the disease.
So, Puck began experimenting with various chemicals when he eventually stumbled upon the miraculous health benefits of vaporized Propylene Glycol. One of his most significant studies is entitled The Bactericidal action of propylene glycol vapor on microorganisms suspended in air (NLB-NIH).
Related Article: Former FDA Chief Gottlieb: Any vape ban should ‘carve around the vape shops’.
Dr. Puck discovered that when this compound is heated to only a mere 80 degrees Fahrenheit, it become vaporized. And strangely coincidental, in the actual public research Puck even specifically references “patients with active respiratory disease.”
The action of propylene glycol on partially desiccated bacterial droplets such as one might expect to be present in the neighborhood of coughing or sneezing patients with active respiratory disease, was tested as follows.
Several kinds of bacteria, pneumococcus, hemolytic streptococcus Group A and hemolytic streptococcus Group C were suspended in fresh unsterile saliva and sprayed into the experimental room. In each instance, a period of time ranging from 35 to 40 minutes was allowed to elapse before introduction of the glycolvapor.
It was found that immediately after vaporization of the glycol, a sharp decrease in number or complete disappearance of these microorganisms which had been suspended in the air for 35 to 40 minutes occurred.
One experiment in which the glycol was introduced 40 minutes following the bacterial spray is shown in Table VI. These experiments also revealed the fact that all the various forms of bacteria present in normal saliva were killed by the glycol.

Dr. Puck would eventually become a world-class scientist of the highest caliber.
Of course, he had no way of knowing at the time that his research would eventually lead to the invention of a new product that would literally save millions of people from smoking-related death and disease.
In 2015, his own country’s Royal College of Physicians would publish research together with Public Health England which indicates vaping is 95 percent less harmful than smoking!

A little-to-no scientific evidence proven a link between COVID-19 and vaping.
If a person had a preexisting condition related to respiratory health issue, obviously increases the chances to have complications with the virus.
Scientist are not hundred percent sure that vaping leads to lung disease or other chronic conditions. On the other hand, cigarette smokers are at higher risk to get infected with the virus.

Smoking has more related issues such as lung and hearth diseases, also inhibits the body's ability from healing from COVID-19.
Men are more susceptible to the virus than women, more men smoke in China than on average in high-HDI countries.
More than 723,000 children between 10-14 years old and 273,225,000 adults 15+ years old continue to use tobacco each day, every year, and more than 1,952,200 people are killed by using tobacco.
China is spending 392,591 Million Yuan = 55,361,330,560.47 USD every year.
E-cigarette users without any lung disease or condition should stick with vaporizers, and not go back to the old harmful cigarettes, vape at low temperature to protect your lungs.
Since exhaled vapor can carry droplets, it is best to keep a distance of at least six feet and to preferably vape outdoors. Also, it is best to not share vaping devices with other people.
Do not forget to:
- Wash your hands regularly at least for 20 seconds.
- Cough in the crook of your arm.
- Not touch things, virus can adhere to surfaces.
- Clean and sanitize your vape with alcohol - based disinfectants.
Stay home and stay healthy :-)
Hippie Vaporizer