About Us*

As most people are probably very well
aware of the 1960s youth movement
that eventually turned into a counterculture,
nowadays the Hippie era is talked about as the stuff of
Even though there will always be some
that frown upon it, it is undeniably true
that the Hippie movement has
radically influenced the 20th century
in a variety of ways.
“Hippy is an establishment label for a profound,
invisible, underground, evolutionary process.
For every visible hippy,
barefoot, beflowered, beaded,
there are a thousand invisible members of the turned-on underground.
Persons whose lives are tuned in
to their inner vision,
who are dropping out of the
TV comedy of American Life.”
― Timothy Leary
Former co-founder of “Vaporize 101”
and creator of The Hippie Pipe set out on a quest in 2013
which would lead him on a journey to seek out
new technological advancements
that can potentially transform the way we view
plants with medicinal properties, healthy alternatives to using those plants
while paying homage to the free thinkers,
the movers and the shakers of society.
We honor the original who dares to be different and
salute the pioneers who boldly go where nobody else has gone before them.