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Is CBD smoking the new trend for millennials?

We all know that CBD oil can be taken orally orally, but do you realize that you can also smoke CBD?

There is still a stigma attached to marijuana use, but the millennial age seems to be trying hard to remove this. Since 2012, twenty-one states have legalized recreational marijuana use as a result of their efforts.

Millennials, unlike baby boomers, are receptive to new experiences and hence become true social changemakers. Millennials aren't only contributing to a new business; they're also transforming the social atmosphere. At $10.6 billion in 2018, the global cannabis business was expected to grow to approximately $100 billion by 2026.

How are Millennials contributing to the cannabis industry? To learn more about why they're so enthusiastic about recreational marijuana use, keep reading.

What are the traits of an average Millennial?


Firstly, they are tech-savvy people who utilize social media and other digital tools to explore new products, ideas, and trends. They are more adaptable and more open to change than previous generations because of their ability to communicate and learn fast.

The second reason is that they are well-educated professionals who are open to adopting new behavioral habits. Millennials aren't following tradition or societal norms; instead, they're forging their own path and questioning long-held beliefs.

Millennials are the most vocal proponents of legalizing marijuana for recreational use because of this. This is supported by a number of studies:

  • Marijuana usage is widespread in the United States, with more than 35 million persons regularly using the drug.
  • An overwhelming majority (more than half) of those who admitted to using marijuana were between the ages of 18 and 34.
  • Marijuana should be completely legalized according to 76 percent of Millennials, based on a survey.
  • Millennials, in large numbers, believe that marijuana is a safer option than alcoholic beverages.

Martin Crick, a content writer at Killer papers review, adds:

"It seems like everyone is using pot these days, particularly the remote writers."

Studies show that Millennials are the main drivers of the cannabis industry, but let's go deeper and discover why.

Why Do Millennials Enjoy Cannabis?

millennials cannabis

What are their reasons for using cannabis products now that you know the characteristics of a typical Millennial? There is no one solid reason to do it, but rather a plethora of ideas, reasons, and purposes that drive it forward. The following are some of the most critical reasons behind this:

  • Cannabis doesn’t cause a hangover

Marijuana is preferred by the majority of Millennials since it does not leave them feeling hungover. When they wake up the next morning, they don't have to deal with the misery and suffering of a hangover, but they also remember everything they did the night before and act better.

  • Marijuana is cheaper

The fact that marijuana is less expensive than alcoholic beverages is a big selling point for its use. It is possible to get the same (if not greater) effects for $15 to $20 instead of paying $50.

  • Weed helps them relax

A person who is under stress will often investigate and try out cannabis products. People who are looking to unwind and alleviate stress will find that marijuana is a better option than alcohol. For short-term reductions in sadness, anxiety and stress, smoking cannabis seems to be a safe and effective method.

  • Weed is not toxic and has zero calories

Aside from the fact that Millennials are obsessed with health and fitness, cannabis is their preferred form of relaxing. In other words, cannabis is less harmful than alcohol and has no calories. To put it another way, it's safe to ingest.

  • Cannabis legalization allows authorities to focus on other crimes

There is no doubt that millennials are prone to promoting and cultivating specific aims and beliefs. They have a larger societal context in mind when they advocate for marijuana legalization. Instead of dealing with pot sellers, state officials will now be free to concentrate on other types of criminal activity.

  • Cannabis is a good investment opportunity

Millennials aren't only users of marijuana; they're also investors in the industry. One of the most fundamental aspects in the development of the cannabis sector is the fact that Millennials see marijuana goods as an excellent financial opportunity.

CBD Flower Over Tobacco Any Day

As the most health-conscious generation to come of age, you may question why millennials would want to smoke at all. Possibly because CBD flower is a fantastic alternative to smoking cigarettes, beyond its medicinal effects.

In general, the number of people smoking cigarettes has decreased significantly over the last fifty years. Since 1991 alone, the number of young smokers has declined by about 20%.cbd flower

CBD and Sleepy Time

It's possible that millennials are the undisputed kings and queens of the late-night hours. For as long as the sun rises, they'll be watching YouTube videos and listening to EDM till the clock strikes 12.

Of course, unless you're a vampire, such a way of life is detrimental to a regular sleep schedule. Millennials are increasingly turning to CBD flower or other CBD-infused products like hemp cigarettes instead of booze and other opioids when it's tough to wind down at the end of the day.

As a result of the CBD flower's naturally existing phytocannabinoid and terpene compounds that promote relaxation and sleep, it makes the ideal late-night snack. CBD also has anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving qualities that contribute to a good night's sleep.  

Millennials Craving CBD Flower

In the end, it seems that CBD flower came up at the perfect moment for millennials who are looking for both health and pleasure. CBD flower is a great choice since it is legal in the United States and most states.

What's the true reason why millennials are adopting CBD hemp flowers in 2021? It's possible that this is due to the ease with which consumers may research things, read customer reviews, place orders over the phone, and then have their purchases delivered to their door by drone.