Usually, when people think of electronic cigarettes or other alternative nicotine ingestion devices, they think of the pipe itself or the heating coil. A lot of users think that these are the most important parts of a typical electronic cigarette composite device.
In large part, they are correct. But you have to also pay attention to the battery of the device. If your battery does a lousy job of powering up your device, you're really wasting a tremendous amount of money. You're basically throwing away good money after bad.
It's bad enough that you bought something that is inefficient and badly designed. You really don't want to make it worse by buying the wrong battery. Unfortunately, for a lot of electronic cigarette users, picking out the right ecig battery is not exactly at the top of their agenda.
In fact, in many cases, it's very easy for them to overlook this electronic cigarette related accessory. A lot of them would focus on the overall design of the pipe. They would obsess about how light and portable the device is.
This is completely understandable because if you use your device to inhale a biochemical compound, whether completely natural or partly synthetic that is in the legal gray area in your jurisdiction, you might be spending some time in court.
Most people would rather avoid this like the plague. This is why they are obsessed about practical matters like portability, small compact footprint and very lightweight. That's understandable and that should be a priority. But you shouldn't just focus on those.
You have to also look at the rest of the puzzle. Spend enough time analyzing the versatility of the battery that you are buying. You have to understand that any kind of product that you buy, especially ones that are made of many different moving parts, need your full analysis. Otherwise, you're not really getting maximum total use value for that device.
Why should you spend time analyzing an ecig battery? Isn't this component pretty much generic?
Well, I wish I could tell you that once you've seen an ecig battery, you've pretty much seen them all. The problem is if I were to tell you that, I would be flat out lying to you because the market has evolved to the point that there are specialist battery makers.
They know what's at stake. They know that connoisseurs have higher demand. They're looking for the very best and that's why there is an aftermarket for electronic cigarettes batteries. This is not one of those components that you just have to automatically trust the brand that you normally go with.
Why not pick a specific brand but insist on an aftermarket battery brand and other accessories?
That's how the game has evolved to this point. It's very welcome in development if you ask me. Just like mountain bikes, in the past, were sold as a package, electronic cigarettes and other similar devices were sold as a package. It's as if you did not really have any choice.
If you were to buy Juul or Halo electronic cigarettes, you're pretty much stuck with whatever battery the device comes with. It would be awesome if the brand that you normally buy is renowned for their attention to detail and providing a complete product.
But you and I both know that even the most respected world-renowned brand has areas for improvement. Unfortunately, one of the usual suspects in terms of design oversight and areas for improvement is the battery unit for an electronic cigarette.
So if you are looking for the “best of breed” for electronic cigarette battery brands, pay attention to the following:
You want a battery that you can quickly put in and replace. You want something that makes the whole battery replacement process quick, easy and painless. I wish I could tell you that you can safely expect all these features from all the electronic cigarette batteries currently in existence.
Unfortunately, that's not the case. In fact, in many situations, it's far from the case. A lot of batteries require screws or you have to unpack one chamber or take out one section. The problem is there is really no fixed standard. So you're pretty much on your own when you're skipping from one brand to another.
When you insist on maximum battery versatility, you protect yourself from the hassle of being at the mercy of the specific electronic cigarette design of your favorite brand. Very versatile brands have taken into account the wide variation among the different electronic cigarette makers and they accommodate them.
This is why you should insist on versatility. You should also look at flexibility. The right electronic cigarette battery is flexible enough. Meaning it can deliver the power needed by your device for an extended period of time.
I'm not talking about a ridiculously long period of time. But it should be flexible enough. The last thing that you want is a very rigid battery. It's anybody's guess when the battery has died. In fact, in many cases, you are the last person to know.
You find out that your electronic cigarette has run out of electrical battery juice precisely at that point in time where you most need a hit. Imagine jonesing for a nicotine or hash oil fix and your electronic cigarette has conked out. Talk about a buzzkill or disappointment.
Don't let yourself down that way. Insist on flexibility as far as your ecig battery brand choices are concerned. A little bit of flexibility can definitely go a long way because let's face it. You don't want to put yourself in a desperate situation. You don't want to put yourself in a negative spot precisely at the time that you need a nice little boost of nicotine, marijuana or CBD.
You may be thinking to yourself that if you've seen one battery, you've pretty much seen them all because how complicated can batteries be? It's not like their job is all that complicated, convoluted or arcane.
Well, you might want to think again. A little bit of innovation can definitely go a long way because not all batteries operate the same way and they are definitely not created equal. As much as possible, insist on batteries that use innovative technology to preserve their life.
This means that whether you buy the battery right off the factory floor or several months after it has been stored on a shelf somewhere, it will continue to knock the ball out of the park as far as performance is concerned. You need to insist on that kind of dependability.
That's only possible if the battery maker brand actually pays a lot of attention to innovation. They don't just focus on battery technology as it exists today. They insist on pushing the limits or expanding the outer edges of the technology envelope in their industry.
Unfortunately, those types of companies are few and far between. A lot of companies are no named brand companies precisely because they don't want to rock the boat. They're not really in it for innovation or to take the game to the next level. They're not looking for some sort of earth-shattering, revolutionary new disruptive technology in electronic cigarette batteries.
They just want to collect their slice of the pie as far as this type of device is concerned. Do yourself a big favor. Figure out the true innovators because you will be greatly rewarded. Not only is your battery going to last longer, but it can actually operate in a more optimal way. This can lead to you maximizing the value that you get from that type of device.
Remember, an electronic cigarette is a unified device. All components must do their job. It's kind of like being part of a basketball team. You may have the best setter in the league and you may have amazing point guards. But this doesn't mean that everybody else gets to sit on their hands. This doesn't mean that everybody else gets entitled to do the very least because they can rest assured that a few star players will carry the team. It doesn't work that way.
Everybody has to carry their own weight. Everybody has to contribute to the overall goal. The same applies to any kind of product design. You may be thinking that a specific product or a specific appliances only has one key component. You may be absolutely correct about that because most of the value that you get out of that device turns on that components operations.
But this doesn't in any way, shape or form get the manufacturer off the hook in terms of properly designing and manufacturing the rest of the support components. Everything has to line up just right for you to get the experience you're looking for from that device. Otherwise, you just got ripped off. That's really the bottom line.
That's why it's really important when you're looking for electronic cigarette battery or battery like component to look past the brand. Focus on the level of innovation packed into this component so you can rest assured at some level or other that you will get the experience you're looking for.
You may be thinking that you're buying this thing because it performs a specific job. Look at the big picture. You're not really looking for a battery that delivers enough current right when you need it wherever you are. Instead, you're looking for an experience. You're looking for total value. Think in those terms so you can make a truly informed decision as to which electronic cigarette battery brand to go with and which ones to ignore.
Never forget after sales service
If you buy a battery that is generic and is absolutely forgettable, don't be surprised if things go south sooner rather than later. If you find yourself constantly puffing on an electronic cigarette device that is underpowered, you only have yourself to blame. How come?
You chose a no-name brand. You chose a device that is really not going to give you the battery power that you need to get the nicotine ingestion or marijuana enjoyment experience that you're looking for. Do yourself a very big favor and look for solid after-sales service.
You may be wondering how's this even possible. After all, there are tons of battery makers out there. It's not like they're going to make this information public. Well, they are if you look hard enough.
You have to understand that when people buy any kind of product, eventually, some of them will be so excited and happy with their purchase that they would blog about it.
On the other end, there are some people that are so turned off and disappointed by their choice that they speak up about it. Either way, this collection of public impressions and reviews about electronic cigarette brands, eliquids, electronic cigarette juices and other accessories related to this device serves to protect the public.
Sure a lot of people exaggerate their reviews. According to these reviews, it's the end of the world. But if you know how to read between the lines and if you are able to look at the general context in which people post these reviews, you will be able to get a clear reading of the manufacturing quality of the battery, whether it meets the expectations of its target audience and the overall general market perception of this product.
Once you have this information, you can then make a truly informed choice. This is how you create a lifestyle fit between the electronic cigarette products that you buy and their accessories.
Again, this is not a small detail. Any mistakes you make in buying or selecting among a wide range of electronic cigarette options can come back to haunt you. A little bit of attention to detail can definitely go a long way.