How to travel with CBD products?
COVID-19 travel restrictions are changing every day, but summer is not over just yet. If you already got bored sitting at home and want to gather some nice memories in 2020 don’t hold back. There is one thing though you might be wondering about. What if you love your CBD product and want to bring it on your holiday adventure? Lots of questions can come into mind so we are here to help you and to try answer some of these questions.
Since the 2018 Farm Bill, there has been a huge hype around CBD products. They are legal under federal law as long as they are Hemp-derived and contain no more than 0.3% THC. This obviously has an impact on the industry, more and more people get familiar with CBD and its benefits and doesn’t want to give them up while they are traveling.
What about travel restrictions?
The basic rule by TSA (Transportation Security Administration) is that you can bring CBD on a plane as long as it’s derived from hemp and meets the highest standards. However, even if it is legal to travel with CBD, you still need to consider different state laws.
Do your research about the states you are traveling through.
Research specifically state laws of your destination. Some places have strict rules against CBD products regardless of its source. It’s important for travelers to research the rules and regulations of both the state being departed from and the state being traveled to.
Gather all the information of the product you are traveling with.
Airport security can test your CDB for traces of THC, however, they are not able to accurately determine the amount of THC. So if you want to stay on the safe side, you can choose CBD isolates. Another thing that is useful is that you print the lab report of the product you use and have it with you, just in case you need to verify the cannabinoid content with security. Also, try to purchase professionally labeled products. Hemp buds in a Ziploc bag won’t make it through security and gets you in unnecessary trouble.
Find the proper packaging.
Liquid-based CBD products (oils, lotions, etc.) must meet the requirements outlined by the TSA. You can bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes that contain less than 3.4 Oz of liquid each item in a carry-on bag.
Traveling with CBD Internationally
Professionals strongly advise to leave CBD products out of international travels due to unclear regulations. If you still want to take it, you must review the different rules carefully. Every country has its law about CBD products. For example The EU standard for THC in hemp products is lower than in the U.S., they require 0.2% or less THC.
Stay safe and enjoy your holidays!