When I first tried vaping, I was unprepared for the excruciating coughing episode that ensued. As a long-time smoker, I assumed that vaping would be like smoking a candy bar.
I was, in fact, completely incorrect. Tobacco smokers who use e-cigarettes inhale using a different technique. It was something that my buddy had warned me of, but I couldn't place it until I received a "I told you so" moment later.
How Many First-Time Vapers Sneeze?
As previously said, I was one of those people who would start coughing almost immediately after taking a pull that was both too long and too forceful. Smokers who make the move to e-cigarettes often run into this problem, so my findings were not entirely surprising.
Most of the time would be my first, non-scientific response to this question. A recent poll of 600 vapers found that 57% of respondents coughed after taking their first puff.
A bit more than half of all persons who try vaping for the first time will cough up a lung full of nicotine on their first puff. In other words, don't let a little suffering deter you from your goals. Most vapors' coughing subsides after a while.
When you use a vape pen, why does it make you cough?
Vapers' coughing may be caused by a variety of factors while using e-cigarettes.
- First-time e-cigarette users and ex-smokers who don't know how to properly inhale.
- Coughing is caused by irritants in the vapor, notably propylene glycol (PG).
- As a result of this, the throat impact is quite strong.
- In ex-smokers, the cilia are regrowing.
- Dehydration and irritated throat are also possible side effects of e-cigarette use.
- It's not uncommon for e-liquid to come back up into the user's mouth when it's heated.
- Coughing might be exacerbated by unfamiliarity with certain equipment.
- In certain cases, a person may cough due to the sudden taste of sweet or menthol vape juices in their system.
- A mouthful of burnt cotton might result from the wick being too dry.
- Replacement of the wick may be necessary if it has been carbonized.
There are a number of things that might irritate the throat and lungs, as can be shown above. That raises the following question:
What are the options?
When switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes, there are seven ways to avoid coughing.
It's not easy to go from smoking to vaping. It will take some time to become accustomed to puffing on a vaporizer if you've previously used another medium. Many smokers need numerous attempts to make the switch to vaping, and even then, many struggle to give up tobacco altogether.
Often, smokers who try e-cigarettes end up going back to smoking a lot more than they did before they started using e-cigarettes.
Negative initial impressions are a crucial factor in smokers' continued reliance on tobacco as a nicotine delivery method. There's no way to develop an opinion on a friend's e-cigarette if they're always coughing.
Some individuals, on the other hand, choose to remain and see things through. Here are a few tips for reducing coughing.
1. Experiment with Diverse Approaches
Tobacco and e-cigarettes vary greatly in their methods of use, and this is the main obstacle to transitioning. While some individuals are able to inhale the smoke straight into their lungs, others prefer to inhale it via their lips first. People who switch from smoking to vaping may run into certain problems because of this.
Vaping may not be a good fit for certain smoking techniques. When I initially started smoking, I would suck vapor into my mouth before inhaling. Although I am now able to breath straight into my lungs without coughing, it took me some time to become used to it.
As a general rule, it's a good idea to give it some time before making the move to e-cigarettes.
2. A Fresh Squeeze of Juice
The e-liquid body is composed of PG and VG in the proper ratio. It's this concoction of liquids that gives e-cigarettes their characteristically dense plumes of vapor. Besides nicotine and flavorings, everything else in e-juice is really an addition.
Some individuals are allergic to PG, which makes it a potential irritant. The intensity of the "throat hit," as it is sometimes referred to, is determined by the combination of PG and nicotine. Make sure you're getting the right flavor profile when you're looking to improve the flavor of your vape juice.
Another option is to lower the amount of nicotine in the cigarette until the coughing subsides, then switch to a lower nicotine level. A vaper's nicotine intake may be gradually increased until the appropriate amount is attained after becoming acclimated to vaping e-juice vapor in his or her throat and lungs.
It's possible that a complete taste swap might be beneficial. It's important to keep in mind that certain individuals are sensitive to menthol or sweet scents.
3. Wait for it to play out.
The cilia in the throat commonly regenerate during the transition phase for smokers who convert to vaping. A coughing fit might be triggered by the presence of vapor in the air. As the tar in their lungs is cleared out by their bodies, some people who make the transition experience coughing and congestion.
In this situation, there is little that can be done. For the first several hours, I just took little puffs from my vape pen until I felt confident enough to take larger ones. After taking a huge hit, I'd start coughing, and the process would begin again. My throat and lungs needed about a week or two to get used to the sensation of spinning mist.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
A glass of water is always a good idea while you're vaping, just like when you're smoking. First-time vapers who start chain-vaping are particularly at risk in this regard. To begin puffing away without noticing until someone points it out is simple.
My advice is to have a water bottle and a tube of lip balm with you at all times.
5. Restrict Airflow or Reduce Wattage
An too strong gadget might lead to a number of serious problems. The more powerful the gadget, the more vapor it produces, and the hotter it becomes. Coughing is caused by the following two reasons:
- Vapor will condense in the lungs, throat, and mouth if there is nowhere else for it to go. Those who take bigger doses or prefer retaining vapor in their lungs for extended periods of time may experience irritations of various kinds as a result of this.
- A user may inhale less vapor for longer by reducing the power or controlling the airflow of their vaporizer.
6. Put an End to Chain Vaping and Reduce Your Speed
It's hard to resist the temptation to blow out cloud after cloud. For an e-cigarette, this would be a poor idea.
As the e-liquid warms up, the risk of it spilling out of the tank rises. Instead of a cloud of mist, heated juice is spat into the mouth of the user. It's possible that the wick won't have enough time between hits to fully soak, which is another problem. Something called a "dry hit" may result from this.
Dry impacts are as harsh and surprising as they are rare. You may expect a severe cough and a dreadful aftertaste from the mix of burned cotton and hot air. Slowing down and keeping an eye on the battery life of your gadget will help you avoid this unpleasant experience.
7. It's Time for a Coil Swap!
Eventually, an e-old cigarette's coil has to be replaced with a new one. Cotton is used to make the wick that absorbs the juice, and the cotton is heated to produce vapor. It is inevitable that the cotton will begin to burn and get clogged with carbon after continuous usage.
Coils might be tough to determine whether it's time for a new one. A coil may last a month for some vapers, while for others, it may only last a few days. As a rule of thumb, there are two constants that may be adhered to:
After a few puffs, the liquid will begin to taste somewhat different. Vapor volume and clarity will be less noticeable in the second. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy the journey.
Coughing is a common side effect for around one-third of persons who try vaping for the first time. It's quite natural, and you shouldn't be alarmed by it. As a result of quitting smoking for health or lifestyle reasons, smokers who transition to e-cigarettes may cough for a few weeks.
Patience is the most important thing you can do to help your cough go away. Coughing and irritation of the throat may last for a few weeks, but they will subside.